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15 Years Money Back

This is a plan by which an investor will have a guaranteed return of 15% of their Sum Assured after every three years and yet assured of return of 100% of the Sum Assured on the date of maturity. The plan also gives you cover on full sum assured throughout the plan period.

All those in the age group of 18 years to 45 years are eligible to enter into a contract and having met the underwriting requirements can qualify. You are an investor looking for sure return? Then you are the right person qualifying for it.

A guaranteed return of 15% of the Sum Assured after every three years. 100% of sum assured will be paid on maturity + Accrued vested bonus and Final Additional Bonus.

No deduction will be made on the Sum Assured on maturity or death in relation to the part payments made prior to that. Ensures that the policyholder will enjoy the fruits of their investment at a regular interval hence the policyholder can budget on that.

It is a complete package of savings, investment and life cover that gives you a sense of fulfillment.

At the end of the policy term, which is on the 15th year, 100% of the sum assured will be paid along with the accrued bonus and final additional bonus.